lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

Kitchen Secrets

To save leftover yolks, place in a bowl, cover with water and store in the refrigerator.

Pickled in vinegar have to boil, to be retained longer.

To leave chips and crunchy drier must be dried thoroughly with a hairdryer before cooking and put the salt once fried.

To cook cabbage and cauliflower cooking water to add to a piece of bread.

The green leafy salads aderezarse must at the time of going to the table.

The salad leaves should be washed and dry thoroughly to prevent the dressing from slipping.

Salads used to dress in three parts oil to one of vinegar, salt and pepper.

The fritters should always drain on paper towels.

To make a good soup, the meat is placed in cold water.

To make a good boiled, the meat is placed in hot water.

For white rice is good, is added to the cooking water a few drops of lemon juice.

Green leafy vegetables should be put to cook in boiling water.

Otherwise the roots, are placed in cold water to cooking.

When not in use the entire contents of a tin can, the rest should be passed immediately to other suitable containers of glass, earthenware or plastic.

To prevent roast turkey or other meat from drying out, you have to put a bowl of water to the pan where you cook the meat.

The development of a good menu depends on many factors heavily that we pay attention to the recipe. So nothing better than to follow "step by step".

1. Choose the recipe, read it very well leave it in a conspicuous place.

Two. Prepare all the ingredients on the table, follow the recipe instructions to the letter.

To make the boiled eggs need to wait for water to boil. After breaking the boil place the eggs and count nine minutes. If the eggs are frozen count only 6 minutes.

To make fried eggs is essential that the oil is hot. Otherwise, it is likely sticking to the pan.

For the bread of yesterday proves as newly purchased today must be stored in the refrigerator before use and spray it with water and put it in the oven a few minutes. Serve immediately, seem just bought.

To preserve the vitamin "C" of the potatoes, we must sancocharlas shell and then peel them.

To not turn white cabbage, cauliflower, green beans and peas, put to cook in boiling water leaving them uncovered.

To prevent the potatoes are cooked open when they take a piece of salt in the water that will be cooked.

To leave fluffy tortillas they should take a little yeast when you are beating.

To cook a cabbage without emits a foul odor, it gets to cook it with bread, when the bread begins to fall apart is removed and single cabbage leaves until boiled.

The chickens out juicy, tender and soft, if after opening and wash them outside with lemon rub.
To smooth out the roast meat should be placed for two hours in a bowl of china, with salt, pepper and vinegar dressing when you roast, well drained vinegar.

To remove the strong smell of onions cooking simply with some sprigs of parsley.

To know whether a potato is of good quality; pártase in half, then reunite the two halves and if they stick and do some resistance when trying to separate them, is of good quality.

When buying onions always be chosen which are very hard and tight.

For a salad with mayonnaise, should it at the last minute added to it because if it is not liquid with the juice of the salad.
Fish flesh is white if you add a little milk to the water where they will cook.

For the unpleasant smell disappears seawater fish, rubbed after clean with vinegar or lemon.

For the vegetables retain their taste and color but must be put to cook in little water, and they should never cook much because they lose their flavor and color.

Salads should be prepared at the last minute.

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